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Broadband Multimedia Marketing Association (BMMA)

ResearchFirst is the Executive Director of the Broadband Multimedia Marketing Association (BMMA), established in 2002. The BMMA is an international organization that enhances the business of service providers and vendors in the telco broadband services industry. Our goal is to advance the adoption and use of broadband services by identifying key industry success factors and sharing best practices in marketing and product development.

BMMA benefits include:

  • Networking & Meetings: two annual face-to-face meetings (Spring/Fall), which include deep dive roundtable discussions on current issues relevant to telco broadband services, marketing, and product development. The BMMA facilitates development of professional relationships among our members which allows openly shared experiences and knowledge on important issues and topics with peers.

  • Monthly Hot Topic Calls: every fourth Tuesday we meet virtually to discuss current hot topics. Recent topics have included The Future of Smart Home and Home Security; Successful Value-Added Services Campaigns; Managed Wi-Fi and the Evolving Customer Model; A Technology Update: Wi-Fi 6 and 6 GHz; Tech Support Industry Trends: Outsourced vs. In-house and Premium vs. Included with HSI; IoT Products and Issues; and An OTT Video Experience.  View full year calendar.

  • Reports: the BMMA publishes semi-annual benchmarking reports (including HSI and TV product penetration, churn, trends, and other metrics); Member Survey results on WiFi, IoT, Smart Home, Home Security, Video Services, OTT, etc.; Annual End-User Research Project results) and other impromptu surveys for our members.

  • Peer Questions: Member questions are curated by the Executive Director who gathers input from other member experts  to provide timely information for critical decisions. Recent Peer Questions include: Network Transformation Procedures, Post-Covid Learnings, Recent HSI Churn Experience, Video Attach Rate, Call Center & Tech Support Metrics.

Visit for more information. To join or to find out more, contact Stan Romero at or 205-960-5254.

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